This is Julien’s breakfast since a very long time. It is simple, nutritious and healthy.
- 2 eggs
- 2 slices of sourdough bread
- a spoonfull of diced onions
- some spice. Here on the baneer, the startled eggs spice is wild carrot, a favourite. I like paprika and peper-dulse too.
- butter
- a pinch of salt (if the butter is not salted)
- lettuce or another fresh salad-type vegetable (spinach or ground elder are nice too!)
- optional sliced mushroom
- Preheat the pan at medium temperature. I use a cast iron pan since a while as it is much better to cook and doesn’t leach any chemical.
- Butter your bread, add the salad on top
- Put optional thinly sliced mushrooms before oiling the pan. Press the mushrooms to remove the water from it.
- add a little oil and throw the onions. Wait until they start to be clear and a bit yellow.
- Add the eggs and add your spices + pepper. When they are cooked to your taste, add them on top of your bread.
- Enjoy!