Wild basketry

Our small egg basket

Julien has been weaving for years as a hobby but also to get baskets, ropes and tools needed for the house and the croft. He practice a number of classic and original techniques and knows how to weave a large number of plants.

All our baskets can be fixed for free if they are reparable in a reasonable time and do not show signs of abuse. Wear and tear is normal in a basket and it may need fixing every couple of years. Handles can break, the wood may work. These are all things that can be generally dealt with.


  • small egg basket £27
  • Basket/rope on order £10/h of weaving

former projects

 basket with fruits
Large fruit basket in honeysuckle.
basket with mushrooms
Foraging basket in holly and bramble.
small foraging basket
Foraging basket in willow and bramble.
natural rope
Rope made of iris.
Large flat basket
Basket to go to hang the washing in raw wild willow.
"Pallassou" to prime the sourdough bread in rushes.